Friday 7 July 2017


A little hello from me, on a walk not far from my house in Cambodia. I spend a lot of time in front of a computer, so it is real necessary to get some fresh air every day. I think I will do another post in a  couple weeks from Angkor Wat. My wife and I are taking a trip up to the north of Cambodia to one of the seven wonders of the world. It is the largest religious temple in the world and should be a great trip. Stay tuned for this.
#lovinglife. For those of you wondering what I am referring to about "RiseUp TV", here is a link that will keep you up to date with it. Basically it is a worldwide TV show, coming to networks and it is about music, life, travel, ups and downs and places and faces! There, I hope that narrows it down. Anyway, get on over there. The filming is not for another 10 months, but lots of info on the characters, sponsors, charities and ideas will be posted there weekly very soon!


RiseUp TV Link:

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